Thursday, December 9, 2010

Food and Nutrition

Recomended servings (per day)
2000 calories
50g of protein
300 g of carbs
not really any fat recommended
300mg of cholesterol
25g of fiber
2400mg of sodium

Here are the totals:
Monday: 1688 Calories(84%)
87g of Protein (174%)
182g of Carbs(61%)
63g of fat
118mg of Cholesterol (39%)
2g of fiber(8%)
1184mg of sodium (49%)

Tuesday: 832 Calories(42%)
31g of protein (62%)
81g of carbs(27%)
33g of fat
450 mg of cholesterol(28%)
2g of fiber (8%)
711mg of sodium (30%)

Wednesday:1688 Calories(84%)
60g of Protein(120%)
144g of carbs(48%)
116g of fat
384mg of cholesterol(128%)
5g of fiber(20%)
3575mg of sodiun (149%)

These totals actually surprised me, I thought I was taking in more than I should be, but apparently I am not. The program would not let me put in my height and weight or BMI without paying, so it set it to the standard amounts. I might need more than I take in or less, I don't reall know. I am comfortable with my dietary intake because I really want to lose a little weight. My BMI isn't over at 23.44, but I would like to get it down near 21. This would make me feel better about myself and it would keep my weight a little more stable. THese three days are actually not a good representation of my diet. On Monday at dinner, my parents treated me out to some all-u-can-eat Korean BBQ for my b-day, so that day was actually more than what I would've taken in on a given day. On Wednesday, I did not eat lunch because I was building the gingerbread thing, so it would have been more that day. What I would like to improve, as I said in the first part, is the amount of fiber I need to take in. I am taking in way too little fiber and would like to get closer to the recommended amount. Apart with that, I think taking in a little less fat and cholesterol will help to lower my wieght. Some ways I can cut down on oils but up some of the more important stuff like protein and carbs is to eat almonds instead of candy. I don't usuually snack between meals, but it would help if I ate almonds when I was hungry instead of chips or candy. Another way is to make the 2% milk I drink 1%. That would make a big difference since I drink milk almost every day. The final way is to take in a little more brown rice than I usually do. Brown rice is much healthier than white rice, at the sacrifice of taste. It isn't really a big difference, but taking in more would keep me healthier since it is technically a whole grain.

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